
  • Unexplained line item from Lebara Switzerland

    These line items showed up recently on my Lebara Switzerland account page (Update: sorry, the link is dead):

  • Never Let Me Go

    Never Let Me Go: Cloning is biologically equivalent to having an identical twin. Now can we please find another literary device for some plausible antagonists?

  • I'm severely disappointed in Unity

    Let's count the ways:

  • Creating time-lapse videos

    This guide shows you how to create high-definition time-lapse videos from series of still pictures, tailored towards Flickr, and using only free and open source tools available on most operating systems (although I'm not sure about Windows).

  • Facebook won't work with NoScript extension

    Looks like they're doing something retarded when detecting NoScript: Some links (for example, other people's profiles) have an extra ?_fb_noscript=1 at the end, and the page includes a <meta http-equiv=refresh content="0; URL=/people/JohnDoe/12345678?_fb_noscript=1" />, which results in an endless loop of reloading the same page :/

  • Wireless setup of HP printer on Ubuntu

    It's ridiculously simple:

  • Minecraft mine analysis - mian

    The mian wiki is now up! Updates will be put there for your convenience.

  • Stuxnet motives

    Which motives could there be for the Stuxnet virus' behavior? This is more of a list to remember, in case more evidence of the behavior surfaces later. Note that there's no mention of which motives I think are likely - I don't know enough about Stuxnet or the people behind it for that.

  • blog daily backup Blog Export, The Next Generation is now on GitHub! Please go there for any future updates (and more export/backup scripts).

  • Office super-tool: pdftk

    If you scan or print a lot of documents, you have probably used PDF files. They are very nice, but it can be tricky to modify and otherwise handle them. Enter pdftk: great (but small), free (but valuable) and powerful (but simple). It's also open source, which means you can learn it now, and use it the same way in five, ten, or twenty years.