
  • The road to driving, part 2

    After telling SAAB to please reply in plain text, I get an answer which is just barely accepted by the spam filter. I have to wait for the "Homologation Department"...

  • Thwarted attempt at "unauthorized" CERN access

    I tried getting to work by car via the new French "E" / "Charles de Gaulle" entrance this morning. As instructed (Update: sorry, the link is dead), I kept my access card and "Attestation de fonctions" ready. Before the gate, a person was walking past the cars to do some kind of check(s) before allowing people access. Approaching my car, I put up the documents and rolled down the window. But he didn't even look at them. He just explained that since I had a temporary car sticker, I couldn't pass. So I turned around and used the other entrance, which makes the road to work about thrice as long. On the way, I stopped at building 55 (Update: sorry, the link is dead) and got the new azur access card, no fuzz included.

  • The road to driving, part 1

    [this post and the following parts are a reprint of the "Getting an Italian car registered in France" (aka "The glory of paperwork, part 78") post. Stoopid me didn't realize the way blogs work... Note that the date of the first entry is uncertain.]

  • The intricacies of the Norwegian tax system

    Or: Clueless bureaucrats attempting rip-off

  • The dangers of uninformed secretaries

    In the letter saying I had to get a "justificatifs concernant le niveau sonore", the text "Brigade de police de LYON" was scribbled on the side. I showed the paper to a French person who has been very helpful in formal matters, and was given the advice to try calling the Annecy police, since they are closer. A quick call confirmed this, and I got an appointment for Saturday 16:00 (sic!).