Full disk encryption with Arch Linux footnotes
Pavel Kogan has an excellent guide to install Arch Linux with full disk encryption. I've taken the liberty of copying the instructions, adding a couple tweaks:
Shell scripting dos and don’ts
Shell scripting is like a room full of power tools: handy but dangerous.
Save your bookmarks on Pinboard!
Why? Check this out:
Why I still contribute to Stack Overflow
This is in response to Michael T. Richter's excellent critique of Stack Overflow (Update: sorry, the link is dead). While I share some of the concerns for the problems mentioned there, I don't believe they are quite as detrimental to the quality of the site as he appears to.
How good is your unsubscribe?
How far down the list do you get? These are all real issues with real newsletters or mailing lists I have at some time had the misfortune to subscribe to. Some of them are still filling up my spam box after multiple attempts at getting rid of them.
UK technology fail
Since moving to the UK after living in Norway, France and Switzerland, it seems that this country, more than any other I know of in the Western world, is stuck in the 20th century. Here are some examples encountered in the last few months:
Bug #1: Home directory is not version controlled
How to reproduce: Modify dotfiles and scripts in the home directory on multiple machines without keeping track of the changes.
SMS authentication on fail recently added two step authentication. Hooray for taking security seriously! Unfortunately the setup page is full of fail:
BT VDSL modem linkjacking HTTP URLs
Yet another reason to install HTTPS Everywhere and NoScript: It looks like our BT Hub 4 is linkjacking all HTTP URLs:
Precycling phone directories, Oxford style
Quick guide to reducing paper waste by precycling phone directories in Oxford, UK: