
  • iPod background noise when charging

    My 30GB iPod video (model MA146LL/A) has been a great ally for the last two weeks. Attached to a Philips SBC HP1000 (Update: sorry, the link is dead) headset, it cancels out the small office sounds which can disrupt the work flow.

  • Submitting CAST bugs, a prologue

    At work, we're using CAST 5.0 for Oracle (build 1007). It's a good product, but as with all software, it has bugs. I wanted to report some of them today, and had a look at the software documentation. There was no "Report bugs" entry under the "How to..." section, but there was plenty of contact information under "Welcome/Contacting CAST - Office Locations". This linked to a "quick email form" for "Sales, Product Support or General Inquiries".

  • Introduction to PL/SQL posts

    At the CERN TS/CSE/QMS and EDS sections we use CAST SQL Builder (Update: sorry, the link is dead) and Benthic Golden / PLEdit for PL/SQL development on our Oracle 9i database, to provide engineers and managers with the necessary tools for follow-up of the planning, construction, installation, maintenance, and, ultimately, deconstruction of the LHC particle accelerator.

  • Re: Comments on illogical interface 2005-09-25

    These are my answers to two comments regarding the illogical interface:

  • Why open source is unpopular in business

    At work, I have noticed what seems like an inherent resistance against FOSS. I'll try to summarize what I believe are the main reasons for this.

  • Do blogs matter?

    2002: -What's a "blogg"?


    WYSIwhat? What You See Is What We Thought You'd Like, which was coined by a colleague of mine today. It's just such a brilliant way of summarizing one of the biggest usability problems of web sites and applications: Layout and functionality is static.

  • Wisdom teeth removal, last part (I swear)

    The pain blog is finished. About time, too! Just to sum up:

  • Wisdom teeth removal, part 3

    Day six, and still not done? That's right. I've been taking pain-killers three times per day, and I'll probably continue to do so for the rest of the week. Problem is, I've almost run out. We'll see.

  • Wisdom teeth removal, part 2

    Day two...