Convert date/time from machine-readable to human-readable
Enter a date/time string below to get the human-readable local time instantly.
Update: The web page, code and tests now live in a work repository.
- Localised - the output is in the main language of your browser. Defaults to US English if no language is configured.
Time zone conversion to match your local configuration. Defaults to UTC if no language is configured, or if Firefox’s protection against fingerprinting is enabled:
Your timezone is reported to be UTC
- Updates whenever you change the input field.
- Clears the input field when you click it, for faster pasting.
- Forces 24-hour clock.
Technical stuff
Implemented for a colleague when I realised there doesn’t seem to be anything
like this online, and date --date=INPUT +'%A, %-d %B %+4Y at %-I:%M:%S %P %Z'
wasn’t an option.
If you’re interested in how this works, the code and tests are both available.
Basically, the input must be a valid
argument, and will be converted to the locale and time zone of your browser.
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